2018 Edition

Once again, on the occasion of the third edition of the International Conference On Stuttering, the CRC has chosen, as the location of the event, the headquarters of INPS, which, in 2018, celebrated the 120th anniversary of the foundation of its institute.

This year, during the Conference, 20 keynote speakers from Universities and Research Centers around the world, took part and took stock of the situation regarding the latest scientific advances on stuttering. A very respectable scientific committee – composed by professors Mark Onslow and Ehud Yairi, respectively of the University Of Sydney and of the University Of Illinois and Tel Aviv University and by Prof. Donatella Tomaiuoli, professor of Sapienza – University Of Rome and the University Of Rome “Tor Vergata” coordinate the development of the work.

One of the novelties of this year were the masterclasses, in which Prof. Marie-Christine Franken (Erasmus University Mc) and Prof. Robyn Lowe (Sidney University) demonstrated, according to two different approaches, how to design a treatment for the teenage client.

In 2018, the Conference saw the participation of about 250 ENROLLMENTS, many of whom, students from Universities around the world and as many young researchers, who presented interesting.

One of the most discussed topoi during the event was BULLYING, nowadays, a phenomenon that is increasingly widespread and suffered by many people who stutter who are forced to face it having more or less functional tools at their disposal. The mockery arises from an erroneous view of stuttering. In an international study conducted by West Virginia University, the Italian population has emerged as the one with the highest negative stereotype on stuttering. Hence, the realization, by the production company D-Color and by the director of photography Vladan Radovic – already awarded in 2015 with the David di Donatello – of a short film that taught, through the mouth of those who stammer, how much Stuttering matters very little when high aspirations and big dreams are involved. For the occasion, Paolo Bonolis, a very famous TV host, the film actor Vinicio Marchioni and a magistrate of the Court of Auditors of Rome, Vanessa Pintu, told of how much, in life, the only thing that really matters is the unrepeatable uniqueness of each one.
